Uncharted: Drake’s Fortune

-- uncharted drake's fortuneDistributor: SCEA
Developer: Naughty Dog
Genre: Action, Adventure, TPS
Edition: Game of the Year
Platform: PlayStation 3
Format: 1 Blu-ray Disc
Classification: Teen
Year: 2007
1 player

As you may know if you have read some of my videogame reviews, I like to section the main features I consider as pros and cons in various aspects of the game.


The story of this Uncharted isn’t the most outstanding of all, because the story has some hollows. Above all that, it’s very well told, I think too much because you want to follow it from beginning to end, making you ignore those hollows. The story become more interesting until the half of the game when you find some corpse.

The story tells you the life of the treasure hunter Nathan Drake, and his obsession for finding the lost fleet of Sir Francis Drake, whose may not have died in the date everyone thought he was; the presence of his diary in his sarcophagus is the best proof that he lived more than history told. So Drake’s adventure is practically to find the lost english fleet, discover the location of the Incan treasure and steal part of that treasure. Drake gets into more trouble when Gabriel Roman, a collector of treasure with a lot of power, gets interested in the Incan treasure because Nathan Drake’s tutor, Victor Sullivan, told him about it.

As I said, isn’t one of the stronger aspects of the game, tough is very well narrated, some things are pretty obvious and you may remember some Disney movie.


Despite that in this game characters lack of realism and deepness, you get quickly attached to them, and you realize the potential of each. They’re charismatic, and you get sympathized with all of them even though they lack of realism, which is very difficult that a videogame accomplish that besides the main characters, specially if you don’t talk about a RPG where you interact with many characters at the same time.

When I say they lack of deep, I mean it… for example, Elena Fisher: The first time she grabs a weapon in her life is at the beginning of the game, and she doesn’t flinch for killing the pirates that surround you, and she shoots and dodge bullets like a pro; or another example is, when Drake lives Sullivan’s death, he doesn’t seem to care that much, despite of Sullivan being his tutor and mentor, thing that to my eyes is very unrealistic and emotionless.


The strongest point of the game at my point of view. The best of the gameplay: the controller. The use of the controller is very well done, and it feels smooth and light when you have to jump to here from there without thinking that Drake doesn’t move properly. The button arrangement is ideal for the ergonomy of your hands, and execute the command in the precise moment you press them. I mention this because I’ve been playing Spec Ops: The Line, and I live frustrated because sometimes the agent Walker doesn’t take cover nor jump when I press the button, which follows of a certain death.

I’ll be honest telling you the game is basic: keep jumping from here to there, killing, running, surviving and killing again, though in this title is a formula that fits with the game, and doesn’t feel boring nor forced.

The artificial intelligence in normal difficulty, for those who are used to this genre, its pretty easy; the enemies suddenly act stupid; on hard difficulty you have the right challenge for having fun without thinking enemies are that stupid; and crushing, well, IT IS HARD, but not that hard like if you play a God of War on the highest difficulties. Crushing is more strategic and you’ve to know who and how to shoot an enemy, and which weapon is more suitable for the occasion.

Collecting treasure makes my life frustrated, but it is a good addition because of the game thematic. The collection of trophies for acquiring Platinum is nice and not so easy, because these game trophies aren’t the typical “finish a chapter and get your trophy” but you need skills to get them, and lots of patience.

A nice add are “the making of…” videos, and also that for every trophy you acquire you get medal points, which unlock art galleries, playable characters, weapons, in-game effects, etc, which makes you finish it and play it again, making you have a different experience compared to the first time you played it, and adds replay value.


Taking note that the game release was in 2007, the graphics are very good, though sometimes you can see some blur on the characters skin. Above that, the scenarios and characters are very well done, environmental effects are nice, because makes you feel like your surroundings have life. The sound of Drake’s steps, bullets, weapons and more are nicely done.

The voice work is excellent, I really can’t imagine different voices from those used in the original english language. The music feels well and it’s consistent the game beat.

Conclusion: UDF is a great acquisition if you have a PlayStation 3 and haven’t tried this title. I really recommend you to play it, specially if you’re action/adventure games lover, because it’ll hardly disappoint you.

Rating: 4.5 out of 5